Sunday, September 25, 2011

Being in the People Business (part 1)

We were placed here on earth, not to build buildings or sell products or even to enjoy all the world has to offer. No. Our purpose here is not to be happy, but to engage people. We were created for community! Even the most introverted of all introverts needs someone around every now and again. The "things" in this world will get wiped away, broken, burned up, stolen- you name it- but, relationships remain. And, if in the end, that's what we are left with, we should probably be concerned with getting them right in the beginning. God isn't concerned with how much money you make or how much "success" you have. He cares about people. About the hearts and lives of the people He created.

Yes, this is a HUGE topic. There are not enough words or time to go into it all here. Here, what I want to talk about is living healthy and healthy living- and relationships are part of a healthy life. Don't ask me why, but we need each other. All of us. That's just the way it works.
Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him yours. -Zig Ziglar
So, when you are at the grocery store, tell your cashier, "Thank you." Tell your kids you love them. Work hard to show your boss you care. Even if you don't. I tell my kids all day long to, "be kind to one another." Start with the relationships you are already deeply involved in: your family. Outside of that, start smiling at people! You will be amazed at the way you feel when you lay your head down at night after a day full of smiling.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

stay tuned for more on this topic...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

When life hands you lemons

Hey there! Sorry it's been so long since my last blog- life gets crazy and things don't always go the way they should. I have been reminded again that sharing real life experience is the best teacher.

Allow me to share my story with you:
In the last couple of years, I have learned one of the most valuable tools in succeeding at life: goal setting.
*Live life on purpose and for a purpose.*
Recently, one of my goals has been to teach group fitness classes and Zumba at a gym nearby. There are certain things I have had to do to get ready to reach those goals, and one of them has been to get into better shape. My favorite way to get into shape is to have someone do it with me, so my husband happily volunteered. We got back to eating healthy and exercising regularly. I was going to the gym for about an hour or more in the mornings for a class, then we would go back together in the evenings for weights and cardio. It was textbook for success. By the end of the week, Luke had lost 8lbs, and I had GAINED 8LBS!! Do the math, that's a 16LB difference! So guess what? I got discouraged. To be honest, I wanted to give up and pig out.

So what happens when things don't work out the way they should, when formulas fail and the going gets tough? What do you do when discouragement sets in? What do you do when the only thing that sounds good is giving up and giving in?....

I don't know.

Here's one thing I do know: Brownies are not the answer.

When the budget is tight and you can't seem to pinch any more pennies, going on a shopping spree is not the answer. When your marriage gets tough, leaving is not the answer. It might bring temporary satisfaction, but it won't last long. I know I could really enjoy a plate of brownies, but when weigh-in day comes, I would regret every bite.

So what do you do? Stick to what you know is true. Choose salad over pizza, water over Dr. Pepper, rearranging over shopping for new things, praying over fighting. In the end, it will pay off. And in the End, these things won't matter.

Share your stories!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Recipe: Chicken Fajita Salad

Grilled Chicken Fajita Salad
(only 320 calories!!)

2 c. fresh shredded Romaine lettuce
4 oz. grilled chicken ( usually 1/2 breast)
1/4 c. canned black beans, rinsed
1/4 c. colby jack cheese, shredded
1 Tbl. sour cream
salsa to taste

This is an EXCELLENT substitute if you are craving fajitas or a Tex-Mex dinner. There's no need for dressing- the sour cream and salsa work great. If you don't have time to grill the chicken, just season it on both sides and place it on a cookie sheet. Broil for about 20-25 min. Quick, easy, and healthy!

Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fitness is fun!

You say you hate fitness because you hate running and dieting. Allow me to introduce to your life a whole new kind of fun... group fitness.

I'm not talking just about classes, I'm talking about having someone with you, working with you and for you. That could mean a friend to run with, a personal trainer to work with, a team to play on, or a class to take. I promise that you will work harder and enjoy your time better when you have someone encouraging you to push harder and celebrating with you when you reach your goals. Even tonight my husband said to me, "Man! I'm so glad we are working out together because I probably wouldn't do it if we weren't."

Story Time:
This morning, I showed up for a group fitness class. The instructor did not. While I was waiting, I met some of the other ladies that were hoping to participate as well. One was a retired coach, one was a mother of grown kids, and one was very quiet lady dressed in matching workout attire. It was interesting to see how each one responded to the schedule change. The coach and I stayed around and did a little cardio, while the others went home to get some other things crossed off their lists. Bottom line, none of us did what we would have done together.

At times, it is therapeutic to work out by yourself, but when you are striving for a goal, getting others involved is the key! Find someone and be a someone.

And if you are looking for classes to be part of near Waxahachie, Tx, check out and give it a try!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Time to repair the leaks

In light of the beautiful rain we had in Texas this morning....
"The time to repair the roof is while the sun is shining." --JFK
I love the smell of rain. I love the sound of heavy rain. And I especially love summer-time rain. I used to live in the country and one of my favorite things to do was sit out on the porch and watch the storms roll in while enjoying the breeze with a cup of coffee in my hand.

If I suddenly remember that my car windows are down or that the rain may destroy things I neglected to protect, then that same storm that brought peace could easily bring panic and despair.

We all get caught in the storms of life. Take care of the leaks now so that later you can avoid some of the damage. Live healthy now so that later you can enjoy living healthy. Clean your house now so that you can enjoy unexpected company. Save money now so that later, you can enjoy retirement. Proverbs 6:8 says, "She prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest." There can be things that need to be prepared in all areas of our lives- not just physically, but also in our relationships, finances, personal growth, career, and spiritual life. The storms will come. Get fit and live through them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Abs are born in the kitchen

"Abs are born in the kitchen."-- That's what a dear friend of mine (who is a personal trainer) said to me when I started complaining to her about my "problem area" (aka the TIRE around my midsection). After working out like crazy and dropping about 20lbs, I didn't understand why I still had a muffin top. Then she said it. She looked me straight in the face and said, "Abs are born in the kitchen." She got me. She had the guts to say what most people don't. And she did it in love. Now that's a good friend- be that kind of friend.
"If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."
Zig Ziglar
In the days and weeks- and even months- after our conversation, her words would continue to haunt me. What does that even mean, anyways?!? It means I had to start watching what I would eat and using some self-control. Bah. NOT what I wanted to hear.

If you are in the same boat I was in, trust me, there is hope. Healthy eating can be fun and there are a ton of helpful resources to use. One of the best resources is a good friend- someone who can encourage you not to eat the whole plate of brownies when you get down, someone who will offer you water instead of Dr. Pepper, and someone who even jumps on board the health wagon with you.

So I challenge you: say no to one thing this week. Be it Dr. Pepper or a bag of chips, it doesn't matter. Just say no to one unhealthy decision. And let me know how it goes!
"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now"
Zig Ziglar
I'll be posting some delicious recipes, so check back again soon!

Let's start living!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's All About Balance

A while back, my husband encouraged me to start setting goals in all 7 areas of my life: spiritual, physical, financial, personal development, family, relationships, and career. The goal-setting was great, but I kept having one major problem... I was getting too focused on one area that I forgot about the others. I would get so frustrated to go back and see that my success rate was off and I was miserably out of balance. Being off balance set me up to radically swing to the other side and get off balance once again. And when I was swinging from one extreme to the next, it turned out to be quite a bit more terrifying than that nice little porch swing I wanted to be chillin' on.

Across the board, there seems to be one main area that most people struggle with to find balance: physical health. Everyone has their own opinions on what you should or shouldn't eat and how you should or shouldn't exercise. We can all get a little extreme in our stance and get off balance- robbing ourselves of truly enjoying life. My hope is to encourage practical ways to eat healthy, live healthy, and (gasp!) enjoy it!

Share some of your thoughts and struggles so we can discuss practical ways to get fit, living- meaning your life does not have to stop or be miserable on the way to reaching your goals and finding balance.